Walz and Flanagan – Our Best Bet
My endorsement of Tim Walz for governor certainly
comes as no surprise. Ever since he was first elected to Congress, his sense of
pragmatic leadership and healthy independence has been impressive.

The Johnson – Walz campaign was a model in polite discourse that allowed
for a sensible airing of the differences between the two parties. There is no
reason why that same sense of decency cannot prevail during the next
legislative session.
What should not be forgotten in a Walz-Flanagan administration is the
necessity of governing from the middle. Most Minnesotans tend to mix
progressive values on the social issues with financial prudence and they expect
pragmatic leadership from the Governor’s office. Every issue discussed in this
campaign is doable from expansion of affordable health care to quality
educational opportunity for all. Leadership is the difference. Tim Walz and
Peggy Flanagan are the best suited.