Sunday, December 10, 2017

And Justice for All.

Recent events have brought to mind some terrifying days I experienced growing up in the Bronx. As a 6th grader, I was painfully shy with a pronounced stammer.

One day, two uniformed policemen came into the classroom, looked around, and pointed to me while declaring, “We want that boy.” 

I was escorted to the principal’s office, planted in a chair, and asked if I knew why I was there. I stammered “no” and was told to stare at the wall clock until my memory improved.

When it became clear that clock watching was not going to produce a confession, I was grilled on my whereabouts for a series of Saturdays. Fortunately, my father had formed a boys club at our church and he would take us to various points of interest in New York City. My Saturdays were covered.

This only produced frustration from the officers so I was directed back to clock watching.

That evening, I shared the horror with my parents who were Swedish immigrants and certainly not acquainted with the finer points of law. So my father wrote down the places and times of the boys club Saturday trips. Certainly, that would clear me they reasoned.

However, the next day I was back again facing the clock. My father’s list meant nothing because the police officers had been informed by a reliable witness that two boys crawled over the school fence, broke into the school, and caused minor damage. One was identified as an Italian and the other had blond hair.

Since there were few blonds in our Italian, Jewish and Irish community then it was clear that it had to be me. Of this the police were certain.

On the afternoon of the second day, Mrs. McCauley, my 6th grade teacher who bore a striking resemblance to Aunt Bee of Mayberry fame, burst into the principal’s office, grabbed me by the hand and boldly declared, “I want my boy back.”

Some time later, the mystery was solved and yes there was more than one blond in the Bronx.

However, the pain of that memory still makes me well up. My presumption of innocence was trampled by the authorities who had certainty of their side and by a principal who was all too willing to vacate her office and her responsibility to protect her students. My parents were poor and all too trusting in authority.

It was my teacher, Mrs. McCauley, who saved me from entering the juvenile system. To her courage, I owe my life.

Being a victim can be painful but the answer to an injustice cannot be to create another injustice.

I am deeply troubled by the resignation of Al Franken and the complete absence of anything resembling due process.

Now reports are surfacing that Leeann Tweeden, Franken’s prime accuser, may have been coached by Roger Stone, a major Trump operator. Since there was no vetting, we only heard her story. But there has been no explanation as to why she attended a USO event in 2009 honoring Franken and was captured on tape joking around with him. This is three years after she claimed to be traumatized by Franken.

She continued in 2011 with a tweet containing a photo of her and Franken together.

This is all very troubling. A rush to judgment is, unfortunately, all too human. But a rush to punishment is totally unacceptable.

Perhaps this is a time for reconsideration. We now know that the right wing attempted to plant a false accusation with the Washington Post.  On the other side, we also know that an accuser against Roy Moore of Alabama fudged the truth in her allegations.

Further, we know that Senate Democrats who asked for Franken’s resignation may have been motivated more by the politics of the Alabama Senate race than the seriousness of the allegations.

And now we have the supreme insult of New York Senator Schumer “advising” Governor Dayton on how to pick a successor. That is a certainty for GOP advertising in 2018.

It is time for all of us to sober up. Our nation is in peril with Donald Trump in the White House and Republicans yielding to his demands. We are increasingly moving towards authoritarianism and continued GOP subservience could possibly lead to the dissolution of the Mueller investigation.

While I am not always in agreement with Senator Al Franken, I firmly believe in due process which is a cornerstone of our democratic way of living. Whenever in history we abandoned it, we severely damaged ourselves. Just think about the lynching of Blacks in the South, the internment of people of Japanese descent in World War II, or the era of McCarthyism when lives were destroyed based solely on allegations.

The simple fact is that Al Franken has been the Senate’s most effective challenge to Trump and his subordinates. The possibility of any rigging by Roger Stone and his associates should cause all of us to call for a rescinding of the Franken resignation and a prompt and thorough review of all allegations by the Senate Ethics Committee.

He was elected by we, the people, and he should continue to serve until a legal determination has been made.


  1. Governor, I like what you have said. I believe that we are governed by law not by men. Due process was ignored.

    1. This #MeToo agrees that Senator Franken deserves to stay in the Senate and follow the ethics investigation with due process.
      We need you Senator Franklin.

    2. Of course the same rules do not apply to President Trump do they? Hypocrites.

    3. It's true, Big Bear. There are many hypocrites who will only defend their own team, and refuse to apply that same standard to "the enemy." It's truly the biggest problem in this country.

      But there are still some Americans left who are not so one sided. That's pretty difficult in this era of spin, fake news, and blind hatred of anyone different. Those Americans would apply the same standard, regardless of allegiance.

      If "due process" is due to Al Franken, it's due to Donald Trump, or Roy Moore. It would have been due to Osama bin Laden or Adolf Hitler. Name your most hated figure, but it's that equality of treatment to all persons that makes America Great, not any of our leaders, regardless of their great contributions. It doesn't matter if it's Donald Trump, Barack Obama, or George Washington himself. None of these people are any greater than the work they do to uphold the fabric of this country's founding premise: "That all men are created equal..."

    4. Great reply, Anon! thanks

  2. Thank you, Governor I don't know where fault lies if with anyone in relation to Franken. I do agree that fair assessment is needed not over zealous good intentions. Trump has proved Justice is necessary of freedom is lost

  3. Thank you for this. I feel that Senator Franken should have had the benefit of an ethics committee investigation (which he was more than willing to abide by) - this rush to judgement is appalling!

  4. Arne, I still can't believe that you are a Republican. You make too much sense.
    Excellent, well reasoned post. Thank you!

    1. It only makes sense if you mind is wired wrong. The left has no logic, no morals, no love of America and above all you are baby killers.

  5. Thank you for sharing your very personal story here, Governor Carlson. I couldn't help but think of what Tina Dupuy wrote about Al Franken in her piece in the Atlantic: "He knew exactly what he was doing..." It's unsettling to read about such overzealous certainty with respect to another person, their inner motivations, and their presumed guilt. This is not a humble position, I'd venture to say, and it's horrifying to think of having to deal with such a mindset as an adult -- let alone as a terrified young child.

  6. Thank you. Someone of your stature needed to say this, sir. This dangerous Trump era seems to be at a tipping point right now, and defenders of democracy cannot afford to turn on each other. BTW, I grew up in the Bronx, too. Catholic school for eight years in the 60s and 70s. So many stories.

  7. Thank you for speaking up, Governor!

  8. Thank you Arnie! Time to start Franken Recall - as in Recall him to the senate! Resignation refused!

    Go back to work Al Franken and shut the F up Democratic appeasniks! The GOP will never respect us for weakness! Stand up for what is right! I want to keep my Senator!

  9. I add my thanks to those above - you are Absolutely right. The whole thing smacks of devious Repubican/Trump operatives. Sen. Franken apologized for a mistake he made long before he was elected - no excuse for bad behavior but in the scheme of things, so far less atrocious than what trump and the Alabama predator are accused of. Due process has been abandoned.

    1. OMG you are mentally unstable for even thinking that.

  10. I'm in complete and total agreement with Carlson. Thank you, Governor Carlson, for saying it....and asking for due process.

  11. Thank you for speaking to this matter. Too many of us feel our voices are not being heard. I have profound respect for you, and I hope reason will prevail. thank you again

  12. Thanks for this. I hope you could write it up as an op-ed and get it published in some newspapers.

  13. Speak this LOUDER and LOUDER good sir!!!

  14. Well done, and hear, hear! We lack the competence and capacity to do due diligence and applied ethical reflection here on matters of personal and civic virtue, so must rely even more heavily on the law to help us sort this out, until we strengthen our discernment abilities to pass judgment on moral questions. Thanks for such a powerful step, and story, to help pave the way.

  15. Very well put. This country is in deep peril. Thank Governor Carlson making this very strong statement.

  16. Can you discuss this with Governor Dayton? I have made many of the same observations you have and so have most of my friends. We are all crushed. We want to keep Sen. Franken in office and we are upset that we had no input into this decision. It was made for us by senators from other states. Thank you for suggesting a way to move forward but most of us don't have the connections to make that happen. I think it could be discussed with Gov. Dayton so he doesn't move forward with an announcement of a replacement this week as I heard he was going to do. Time is of the essence.

  17. Let's not forget that the first thing Franken asked for, when accused, was an investigation. Tweeden did not want one. If there had been an investigation, all this stuff re her being coached to embarrass and report Franken would have come out earlier and she would have been subject to charges for making a falsehood accusation. That's why she refused an investigation and backpedaled. One other woman said Franken put his arm around her waist when the photographer asked them to get closer in a picture frame, a picture she requested. That is a natural way to squeeze together in a photo op. She then claimed he squeezed her waist twice. The other claimants have been anonymous so I haven't heard their claims. But if the Dems had investigated immediately, Franken would gave had due process, the Roger Stone sleaze would have come out, the Tweeden betrayal would have been aired and we would know the truth. Don't forget that days before this happened, Roger Stone said on tape that Franken was next. The Repubs wanted him off his powerful committees because he is a strong interviewer and he has uncovered many lies during testimonies and the Repubs didn't like that.
    Franken needs due process, if found this is a setup, which I do think it is, he should continue the excellent job he's doing. And Roger Stone and Tweeden and any other liars should be charged for filing fslse charges and Stone & company should be severely sentenced for interfering with our government processes. One more thing. This, if a conspiracy, was not planned at a low level. The investigation should go as high as necessary to find ultimate culprit. Because they will try it again especially if there is no or little punishment. Thank you.

    1. Agree completely But how do we hold accountable the 27 or 33 DEMOCRATIC senators who threw Al under the bus? My checkbook to the DNC is shut. Money talks and don't give to any of those on the record asking Al to leave. Gillibrand at the forefront. McCaskill, Schumer, Patty Murray, all of them. I am Al's constituent. They took away my Senator in a organized stealth manner. All of a sudden a coordinated pile on....Sad

  18. Let's not forget that the first thing Franken asked for, when accused, was an investigation. Tweeden did not want one. If there had been an investigation, all this stuff re her being coached to embarrass and report Franken would have come out earlier and she would have been subject to charges for making a falsehood accusation. That's why she refused an investigation and backpedaled. One other woman said Franken put his arm around her waist when the photographer asked them to get closer in a picture frame, a picture she requested. That is a natural way to squeeze together in a photo op. She then claimed he squeezed her waist twice. The other claimants have been anonymous so I haven't heard their claims. But if the Dems had investigated immediately, Franken would gave had due process, the Roger Stone sleaze would have come out, the Tweeden betrayal would have been aired and we would know the truth. Don't forget that days before this happened, Roger Stone said on tape that Franken was next. The Repubs wanted him off his powerful committees because he is a strong interviewer and he has uncovered many lies during testimonies and the Repubs didn't like that.
    Franken needs due process, if found this is a setup, which I do think it is, he should continue the excellent job he's doing. And Roger Stone and Tweeden and any other liars should be charged for filing fslse charges and Stone & company should be severely sentenced for interfering with our government processes. One more thing. This, if a conspiracy, was not planned at a low level. The investigation should go as high as necessary to find ultimate culprit. Because they will try it again especially if there is no or little punishment. Thank you.

  19. Thank you for being a fair minded Republican,not only on this issue but many others through the years. It is a stance that that it appears is long forgotten by many and even vilified by others

  20. I agree. How do we make this happen? Seems with all due haste we should ask Governor Dayton to not make an appointment. After all Senator Franken has NOT resigned. Under the extreme and undue pressure of being railroaded he said he would resign "in the coming weeks". He is not guilty of anything that should cause him to resign. He needs justice. He needs to be able to defend himself. We need the truth. Yes, the accusers must testify in public, under oath. Not one has a credible story. Public testimony will discourage further bogus allegations. If all one has to say is "so and so made me feel uncomfortable during a photo op" there will be no senators or congresspeople. Everyone can be driven out.
    I have sent messages to Senator Franken and Senator Schumer. Do not resign Al, proceed with the investigation Schumer.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. We need to stand up not only for Franken but for everyone else who is assumed guilty before proven innocent. But until we see people defending everyone...

    (Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Roy Moore, All Franken, Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Kreisberg, Andy Dick, Ben Affleck, Brett Ratner, Charlie Sheen, Chris Savino, David Guillod, Danny Masterson, Dustin Hoffman, Ed Westwick, Gary Goddard, George Takei, Kevin Spacey, John Lasseter, Louis C.K. to name just a few as of late)...

    until we see people defending everyone until a legal determination has been made, this is all just political. Social Justice isn't justice.

  23. Thank you, Arne Carlson. Tweedon was "suspect" from the beginning but fingers only pointed to Franken. There are many wise comments regarding your article. I find it interesting that your choice of party is mentioned fairly often... as if a Republican couldn't be ratiional and wise. You represent the way it used to be... both parties being rational and listening to each other.

  24. Whatever Roger Stone's involvement, its the Senate Democrats who need to ask Franken to rescind. Why belong to a party that doesn't believe in due process?!
    Clearly Franken should continue and clear his name (while taking due responsibility for his past actions), and then rerun as an Independent! (And if only we had RCV for State-wide elections, we could afford to have a 3 or 4-way race without becoming a spoiler.)
    Full disclosure: I voted for Dean Barkley in 2008, and Al Franken in 2016.

  25. What a marvelous example of personal integrity! Governor Carlson, thank you for having the courage of your convictions..and sharing it. Wasn't it MLK who said something like, "Injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere..." As a woman who has experienced her fair share of sexual harrassment over the years, I am a woman who is sympathetic to "women's issues" but not at all afraid of due process nor claiming any exemption from it as I assert my truths. But I am terribly afraid of how easily we in this country are being manipulated and confused about the most menacing and real "swamp" that threatens to engulf us. I find myself wondering if perhaps some women (and men) are confusing the baby for the bath water. I know many men who still don't recognize the difference between power and dominance over women versus simple respect for another human being. Throw a few historic cultural influences into the mix and one might end up thinking that an "object of desire" is theirs for the taking. Those same cultural influences may even have had generations of some women thinking that there is something flattering or to be gained by yielding to the attentions of a famous and/or powerful
    man. I do hope that recent events cause all of us to question those assumptions. However, there is a real difference between human beings who have made mistakes and acknowledge them versus those who dwell in a perpetual state of either denial or entitlement. I personally see a vast difference between what a Minnesota Senator is experiencing versus what either an Alabama Senator or the President of the United Stares of America is blatantly denying.
    It is my fervent desire that there will indeed be a ground swell of outrage directed at any infringements of rights being denied to any and all citizens afforded those rights because they are entitled by reason of their United States constitution to an assumption of innocence until being proven guilty. Additionally, as is tradition in our judicial system, let's hope the punishment fits the crime when viewed in context. Al Franken has acknowledged many mistakes, mistakes most of us have become enlightened enough to consider serious. Al Franken firmly denies some allegations. Al Franken's track record as a Senator has advanced awareness of the rights of women in our society. The Senator from Minnesota, the Senator from Alabama AND the President of the United States have the right to due process. Let outrage at the lack of due process begin the very process that has as its goal the separation of fact from fiction. Women and other victims have nothing to fear from due process, but a lot to fear greatly from yet another witch hunt in our country's history... Thank you, Governor Carlson, for naming our shame.

  26. After hearing MPR's interview with you this morning, then reading this blog post, I decided to call Governor Dayton's office to encourage him to wait on naming a successor, but more importantly, to encourage Senator Franken to not resign until the Ethics Committee has a chance to investigate these allegations. I hope many, many people will call the Governor with the same message.

  27. This piece evidences the kind of thoughtfulness that seems to be missing from today's politics. I'm disgusted by our Democratic Leadership calling for Frankin's resignation. Everyone should call Gov. Dayton.

  28. Thank you, Arne Carlson. I agree, a resignation at this time is unacceptable. Due process is sadly missing and we need Senator Franken. No one can deny his value to the people of Minnesota; he is one of the mose effective senators we've had in a very long time.

  29. I was caught up in the moment. Thank you for this grounding blog post. Totally agree that due process is essential. We can do both, attack sexual harassment and keep our American ideals in place. Thanks.

  30. Thank you for sharing your personal story — and your defense of due process.

  31. Agree with you and everyone else 100 percent. A solid voice of reason that you provide has been missing from this discourse from the beginning. Can you please exert your influence any way you can to stop this resignation?
    We do need Senator Franken as a senator very badly.

  32. Thank you. I so appreciate your story and voice of reason Governor Carlson. I have been feeling this exact same way about the events of the past 3 weeks. I do not live in Minnesota but I am a midwesterner and am desperate for this moderate, articulate dialog that only the midwest seems capable of at the moment. Please tell me what I can do to support this 'Franken Recall' effort from outside your state. I'm going to start with Senator Schumer but I don't think there's much hope there....

  33. That's a powerful story the Governor told about his own childhood. He, obviously, learned the right lesson from that experience. Forget "due process." Simple fairness and justice demand that Franken should have been given a hearing. Instead, the Democrats formed their customary circular firing squad to vanquish their most outspoken, fearless and effective Senator.

  34. Wes Skoglund, State Senator, ret.December 11, 2017 at 9:52 AM

    Amen, Governor.

  35. I dislike almost everything about Franken, but he should get due process. If his own party had any character, they would not have thrown him under the bus. Weak kneed group that they are. If he survives, well I can't wait to vote against him again.

  36. Governor Carlson, thank you! And thanks for understanding that the mortal high ground doesn't matter to the folks who are backing Roy Moore, Donald J. Trump, etc. It's a shame that 30 + democratic senators couldn't figure that out.

  37. Thank you, Gov. Carlson. I agree with this statement by Bari Weiss: “I believe that it’s condescending to think that women and their claims can’t stand up to interrogation and can’t handle skepticism. I believe that facts serve feminists far better than faith. That due process is better than mob rule.” This gets to the heart of why the rush to judgment in Sen. Franken’s case so disturbs me.

  38. I agree with Due Process however due process has not been provided to any of the people that have lost their jobs or careers because of allegations. I am not saying they are telling the truth or not but we cant say Franken gets due process but Roy Moore doesnt. Due process also makes this a much more difficult task to cleanup. Then women will have to prove what happened. That could be difficult to do.

    1. Those are all different things. I advise people to think about the real victims getting list in all of this.

  39. The same argument for due process holds with the firing of Garrison Keillor by Minnesota Public Radio.

  40. So Arne... You and some commenters talk about "due process". I guess that doesn't apply to Roy Moore, huh?

    1. Please re-read Arne's blog, Chip. He specifically mentioned one (1) of Roy Moore's accusers "fudging the truth".

  41. I continue to be a big fan of Gov. Arne Carlson and am wistful for the days when Minnesota had moderate Republicans and I counted myself as one of them.

    He is absolutely right about Al Franken.

  42. Thank-you, thank-you Governor Carlson! You have shown a cynical Congress & a sleepy electorate the High Road; This is no less than everything worth living for & dying for in America.

  43. YES! Thank you. I have been saying all along that this is not right. First, it is clear he is not touching Tweeden in the one picture, or there would not be shadows UNDER his hands. Bad joke, nothing more.
    His hand is not anywhere near the other woman's breast in the picture she showed.
    Menz and her husband are Trump supporters. It is also pretty difficult to believe that Franken is stupid enough to grope a woman he doesn't know, with her husband right in front of them.
    Two are anonymous on a paper founded by Breitbart.
    ...And touching someone's waist is NOT groping.
    He was willing to have an investigation, and they should have let it proceed.

  44. Thank you Arnie, I have been very sad since this first one came out. He
    Was not touching her, at the time a comic, and she did not want him to lose
    His job over it. I want him as our Senator. He loves it and does a great job!!!
    I wrote to Amy K and to Mark Dayton, neither got back to me. And I can not find the right wesite for Al himself. Please do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. For what it's worth, I contacted him via his senate website.

  45. Thank you, Governor. Voices of reason shouldn't be so uncommon. Yours is refreshing.

  46. Thank you, Governor. Everyone should read this.

  47. Thank you. I hope Senator Franken and Governor Dayton are listening.

  48. Thank you for standing up for due process, the rule of law, and democracy. America needs more people like you

  49. Amen, Governor. Hope Senator Franken listens to you and stays on. He and the country deserves due process!

  50. Thank you for your comments. Maybe the Senate Democrats will listen and hopefully change their minds on Senator Franken.

  51. Arne! Thank you!
    I am a 70-year-old woman, these days waking in the middle of the night by turns terrified and outraged, composing letters to Senator Franken pleading that he not resign. And to the Democratic senators who encouraged him to resign to suggest that reasonable grown-ups do not throw out the baby with the bath water, that destroying a good man's career, stressing out his good wife, and risking throwing our political balance even more out of whack, turning out a senator and perhaps subsequently turning over his seat without proven sufficient cause, is outrageous. The moral high ground, the right thing to do, is to treat Senator Franken fairly, grant him due process, have the Senate Ethics Committee investigate.
    Denying him a reasonable hearing will only undermine the case of women suffering from sexual harassment. Men like Garrison Keillor should not be cast out and have their reputations besmirched without a chance to defend themselves. Memory is plastic, people remember the past imprecisely, eye witness accounts are notoriously unreliable, sex is a mysterious and loaded reality for humanity, and not all women are necessarily rational or free of psychological problems, vindictiveness, or ulterior motives. The Democratic senators had better look to their own morality. Their rush to judgment and denial of due process reminded me of the Salem witch hunts and violates basic tenets of Christianity and Judaism.
    In college I read Eric Hoffer's "The True Believer." The intellectual history of the United States is full of the injustices and destruction wrought by "true believers" of the right and left -- extremists, puritans all -- insisting on purity. None of us are perfect.
    I think the Me-Too movement would do better to work with men than adopt a "Zero tolerance" position. Proportionality is important, and all offenses and offenders are not equivalent.
    And finally, I need, we need, Senator Franken. The country is in a perilous place. We the people -- Minnesotans and Americans --deserve better than we got here. I hope Senator Franken does continue to serve in his seat in the United States Senate, and let the Ethics Committee do its job and determine if he did things that warrant being ejected. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. I am heartbroken that the Democrats have sacrificed my senator. Their conduct has really rocked my world. I no longer consider myself to be included among the party faithful.

  52. When I first heard and saw the photo, I thought "darn it" and immediately thought this was staged for his (Franken's) demise. Then I thought of my own history of assault in the work place (rape -- no hugging involved) and struggled. After that weekend my takeaway was, "No, this is not right". He was a comedian whose type of comedy was teen-age boy/bathroom humor. That photo, is an example of such. I wrote Sen. Franken and shared my story -- never shared in public in all of these 38 years -- and told him, "I am not asking you to resign" and I am still not. Gov. Carlson named many but not all (yes, there are more weaknesses in these cases), of the same reasons I have such strong concern over his forced resignation. I am appalled at my party. I hope Franken is reading this. I hope news outlets are picking this up and I hope Al retracts because as a Minnesotan and a person that voted for him, I DON'T WANT THIS. Don't I get a say??

  53. Thank you Governor Carlson! I agree that this looks like a setup, and even if true isn't even 1% as grievous as the accusations against the self-admitted sexual predator; sitting President Trump! Franken should offer to resign only if Trump also resigns, and then become the hero of the world!

  54. CBS on WCCO early morning last week reported that Breitbart had worked with Leeann Tweeden and asked her to find her old photo and make her comments. Also, that Brietbart had initiated this with other women active with them to make accusations and helped them write their messages..which may be false accusations. Is anyone following up on this info from CBS? Washington Post reported similar ....

  55. Without the slightest respect for his constituents, my senator was rudely forced out of office by his very own party at a moment in history when I feel we need him the most. If this type of insanely unjust over-reaction is what the Democratic Party now stand for, they can count me out as a supporter.

  56. Amen Governor. Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, & Peace on Earth.

  57. Where are the rest of the democrats that called for Franken to resign in regards to Trump and his abuse of women?? Franken shouldn't resign WITHOUT an investigation. His accusers under oath. Our country needs him. Franken, you need to stay!


  59. An online petition being sent to Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillebrand supporting Al Franken is nearly up to 70,000. Heartening to read comments from so many decent people. Here is the link:

    1. Thank you and I did that and called Dayton's office as well. 651-201-3400.

  60. Thank you for posting your very touching story, Gov. Carlson, and your very important reminder that truth and reality are not always as they seem on the surface.

  61. Well said! Thank you for speaking sense in the midst of all this hysteria. I truly, truly hope Senator Franken will take back his resignation and continue to be a strong voice for Minnesotans.

  62. I could never be a Republican. But I come from a place where, until around 20 years ago, many of the more intelligent and thoughtful legislators *were* Republicans. People unhappy with bad Democrats sometimes had a place to go. Now, we have what is structurally a "two party system" but it's populated by a largely-sold-out Democratic party and a criminals-stooges-and-nutwads Republican party. This is a formula for political collapse. We have got to do better. How do we get somewhere better?

  63. I have been posting these kinds of thoughts everywhere I can think of - writing calling senators, posting on their websites, wrote/called Gov. Dayton asked him not to appoint a replacement until Sen. Franken got an ethics committee hearing. I don't know him, don't know if he hears me. You say we should "call for a rescinding of the Franken resignation and a prompt and thorough review of all allegations by the Senate Ethics Committee." How do we do this? Are you talking to others such as Gov. Dayton about it? Thank you. It was a relief to hear someone expressing my thoughts, and someone hopefully, in a position to make a difference.

  64. I co-founded a progressive group in my community. I was politically active in the DFL for many years. I door- knocked, phone-banked, contributed money to many Democratic candidates, and was the chair at my local caucus. However, with the rush to judgement of Democratic political leaders showing a complete disregard of due process, especially for one of their own colleagues, I question whether I will be able to continue to support the party. I, along with a majority of voting Minnesotans, chose Al Franken to represent us in the US Senate. We do not want a substitute. Until proven guilty, we want to be represented by Sen. Franken who has proven to be one of the most effective politicians we have ever elected.

  65. Well said, Governor. I too am troubled by the failure to extend due process to Al Franken. Howver, I am also angry that a few Party Bosses have overturned my vote. I voted for Franken, Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi disregarded my vote, and the votes of Minnesotans who also chose to be represented by Franken. I never voted for Schumer or Pelosi.

  66. Due process should have happened and still should happen. Al Franken should be given the benefit of the doubt until that process has been completed. We as a society and thanks to our speeded up technology do decision making way too fast and do not take time to think things over.

  67. I immediately saw the request by so many democrats for him to resign as a ploy to gain the moral high ground ,but they did the opposite by denying due process.

  68. I am writing from Wisconsin. I am not exactly a neutral observer of the Franken situation as I admire Senator Franken and was/am more than ready to support him for a presidential run in 20/20. I agree completely with Governor Carlson. Whatever the senator or might or might not have done, he not only deserves due process but is GUARANTEED due process by our Constitution. I am a lifelong Democrat and was horrified by the action of the Democratic women senators calling for his resignation. They were 100% politically motivated and self-righteously trampled over Franken's rights as an American. And they got away with it to the cheers and congratulations of the media (supposed to be objective) as well as of their colleagues. Most of us have been traumatized to some extent or another by Trump. We have witnessed allegations of what to sane people are simply incomprehensible activities on the part of Trump himself and his acolytes like Roger Stone and worse. We need to get ourselves together immediately and do whatever needs to be done to keep Senator Franken in the Senate, demand a full investigation, then reckon with the results.

  69. The Al Franken critics aimed at satyrs and hit a satirist.

    Zero tolerance is unwise overkill for most human issues. Self-righteousness launched on subjective (even justifiable) footings yields questionable guidelines and lousy policy. Think of the student who carries a pocket tool to school.

    Al Franken is a gregarious man who has made a living on "boundary issues" expressed through comedy. Al and Tom Davis did a hilarious cameo in the film "Trading Places" that I suspect they wrote. Are boundary issues distinct between performance and political roles? I believe they are clearly different. Proprieties can vary by role. The law and its enforcement should not.

    Nothing in Senator Franken's reported episodes is remotely criminal, nor is there evidence of exploitive intent. There was no coercion applied or inferred. There was nothing preventing the "victim" speaking up in the moment, nor did any reported incident involve a juvenile or a vulnerable adult. Criminal enforcement does not require the plaintiff to act in the moment. Social situations call for it where reputations and careers are the currency in jeopardy. Further, where is the pool of pro-bono lawyers vying to represent the "victims" of Senator Franken?

    "Read my mind and make me happy" works nowhere in human relationships. Where your boundaries are exceeded, express what your boundaries are. If your expression is ignored or dismissed, you have a totally legitimate grievance and perhaps a more supportable basis for legal action. Sorry, silence in the moment followed by a retained resentment is arguably your problem. This applies to social situations far beyond gender roles.

    Exposure to another's boorish moments can be extremely uncomfortable and quite legal. Where coercion or power application is lacking, there is no applicable social remedy beyond gossip. I personally don't welcome gossip beyond a personal and private context, but we can talk about it. Please, let's stay in touch.

    Kevin Shaver

  70. However boorish Al Franken’s behavior he was still the victim of a Capitol Hill lynch mob. Gov. Dayton should call a special election and Franken should run, let the people decide.

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. Way to go, Arne! You hit the nail on the head. You are one of a vanishing breed: a reasonable and moderate Republican.

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. Governor Arne my favorite Republican...keeping it real

  75. Carlson says "we know that the "right wing" attempted to "plant" a false accusation with the Washington Post. On the other side we know that a Roy Moore accuser "fudged" the truth in her allegations. Certainly a "fudge" can't be as bad as a "right wing plant". This is the problem in this country these days. Back when Carlson and I were kids, they called a spade a spade, no excuses. I wouldn't vote for either one of these clowns. I'm sure there are others who can do this job.

  76. Governor Carlson, would you consider running for the U.S. Senate for Franken's seat in 2018, please? I'd support you!

  77. I can see both sides. I believe Franken does deserve due process just like anyone else. However for way too long women have been treated like second class citzen. I also believe we have gone too far to one side and have been to complacent on the other side. We need to come back to the middle. Women need to speak up at the time things are happening. Let the person know that this is not acceptable. How else can men learn that they are being jerks and their behavior needs to change. I know, I know they should know but... I hope we are now in a world where we can let the person know and not fear for our jobs etc. Or that we can tell the police and we will be believed. Let there be peace. Let us work together to instruct, learn, help and be helped.

  78. Thank you, sir.

    The bigger issue is still who will stand up to power. You mention Franken standing up to Trump. Your points don't need my piling on.

    Why are so few Republicans standing up for what is right, ethical and necessary in American society?

    My sadness comes from the House refusing to investigate Trump and working to dismantle the special council investigation. This is of utmost concern.

    Governor Carlson, I applaud your integrity in putting country first. Democracy hangs by a thread.

  79. If you check out Fact Check you will see where they have verified that the rumor that the woman who accused Roy Moore "fudged" her allegations was proven false. She has evidence to uphold her story

  80. Well said! I couldn't agree more!


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